A science-based education program where a unique community of learners is transformed through critical thinking and interaction with the world.
The Science Focus Program is a small community of mature learners participating in traditional and non-traditional styles of learning – a place where students play an active role in defining their learning environment and education. FAQs about SFP are available here.
Students learn how to critically think about the world and themselves both inside and outside of the classroom. Independent, motivated, adventurous students who are looking for a creative approach to learning are invited to join the Science Focus Program. Students will discover strengths, interests, and skills that will prepare them for a future filled with choices and opportunities.
Applying to Attend
We accept applications for the Science Focus Program year round. Please mark your application accordingly to which semester you are applying for. Teachers will evaluate applications as they are received. Applicants will then hear from us late Fall for second semester and early Spring for the new school year. Please call us at (402) 436-1780 for a tour or questions.
LPS Focus Programs

In 1996, the Lincoln Community and Lincoln Public Schools took on the challenge of doing high school differently – of developing a high school experience that was built on the shared interests of staff and students, an experience that was embedded in the community, and an experience that went beyond the four walls of the classroom and the boundaries of the school campus. In response to that challenge, the Lincoln community and the Lincoln Public Schools envisioned, developed and nurtured two focus programs: the Science Focus Program (1997) and Art and Humanities Focus Program (1998).
In addition to the approved district curriculum and assessments that are part of each class in the focus program, focus programs include these elements as part of their work:
- Real-world Associations
- Interdisciplinary Curriculum
- Integration of Graduation Requirements and Focus Learnings
- Focused Setting
- Learning Based on Student Interest
- Program of Student and Parent Choice
- Community Based-Connections
- Small, Learning Community
The programs are extensions of student learning in their LPS high school. Students who attend the focus programs remain students of the home schools during their enrollment in the focus programs. They are eligible to participate in their high school’s activities, athletics, and social events as well as those of the focus program. Neither fees nor tuition are charged for focus program participation and LPS provides transportation to and from all six LPS comprehensive high schools.
We are pleased to offer these outstanding programs for students. For more information, please contact program staff at (402) 436-1780.
James Blake
Director of Strategic Partnerships and Focus Programs