Science Focus Program
A science-based education program where a unique community of learners is transformed through critical thinking and interaction with the world.

There is no academic support today, Happy Friday!

Our annual soup lunch is MONDAY! We encourage everyone to bring something to share with the community. It could be soup, bread, cookies, chips, crackers etc. If you plan on brining soup, please sign up on the poster in the first floor hallway and let us know what soup you plan to bring.

If you need a ride to the bowling alley on Tuesday, there is now a ride sign up board posted outside of the main office. Sign up on the open highlighted lines. Please see Amy if you have any questions or need to make changes.

Here is the current standing for the Women in STEAM Pad and Tampon Drive:
Emily – 1644
Mark A – 2949
Johnna – 4929
Mark J – 8387
Matt – 8823

Don’t forget, the last day to donate is Monday!

We have met our bowling donations goals! Way to go SFP!!!! You can still make a donation in the Office. All money gathered over our goal will go towards next year’s bowling trip. Nice work everyone!

Today’s Fact:

The key to happiness is spending your money on experiences rather than possessions, according to studies.